Knock off Panaray 502 B bass loudspeaker

Last year I built a pair of the Panaray 402 loudspeakers and they sound great but needed the lower end to be matched so they sound a bit more full range. If you are an Audiophile (a snobby audio person, who wants the purest form of audio 20Hz to 20K Hz) they always say, “no highs, no lows, it must be Bose!” So adding the woofer enclosure will provide that earth shaking deep bass we all want in our music. I had meant to build it last year but just got around to it today. I still have rounded edges to do and of course my new favorite ‘White Paint’ to finish the woofer box.

I had a 12 inch Mackie subwoofer sitting around and the MDF was available for this build for over 5 years… so i really dragged my feet to get his built. But now that it is done and I have done a quick test to see if it even made some noise. I have a feeling my neighbors are gonna hate me.

Lows down to 50Hz at a heart stopping SPL (sound pressure level) and at 8 Ohms, I should be able to put about 400 Watts after a cross over to limit anything over 155Hz.

Happy with the build, I will be sure to add a few photos after I get it painted and cleaned up.